ˇˇ Welcome to Vallemí Caverns ˇˇ

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Some facts about cavernsˇˇ


       We explore cave for many reasons, but mainly for sport or scientific study. The sport caver has been known as a spelunker, but most cave explores prefer to be called "CAVERS". Speleology is the scientific study of the cave enviroment. One who studies cave and their enviroments is referred to as a speleologist.
      Whether you are a beginner or an experienced caver, these guidelines introduce you to the basics of responsible caving.These basics help preserve the cave enviroment, strengthen caver-landowner relations and make your visit to a cave a cafe one. Our goal is how to take care of the cave yourself and partners.


Formation of Caves

    A cave is a natural void under the earth`s surface, and most caves are formed in soluble rock,usually "LIMESTONE". A solution cave is forned when the rock is dissolved by slighty acidic water. Cave are also formed in lava by volcanic processesm, and these caves are called "lava tubes".
    Cave are some of the most spectacular example of the combined effects of weathering and erosion groundwater. A cavern is a very large cave or a system of interconnected caves, both are resulted of the dissolution of carbonate rocks.


Observe an animation of Cave formation at..



   Water containing dissolved minerals seeps through the rockm creating formationsm or "Speleothems", on the floors,ceilings and walls of caves. Most these speleothems are composed of crystals of calcite or gypsum,but they often incorporate other minerals that impactcolors.  These speleothems are:Stalactites,Stalagmites,Flowstones,Colunms,draperies,Helectites and rimstones these speleothems grow slowly,sometimes for thousands of years to form,that's why take special care to avoid damaging speleothems OK?



Cave Life

What Lives Underground?

      Some scientists are interested in cave ecology and how cave animals interact with cave microclimates. Animals found in caves include everything from surface dwelling animals like raccoons that occasionally use the cave, to animals that have adapted exclusively to life in the cave (troglobites) . Troglobites cannot survive outside caves. These may include such diverse animals as eyeless fish and crayfish, cave beetles, flatworms, and other unusual types of insects. Many of these animals have lost body pigmentation and are white or transparent in color.

Many animals, such as bats, cave crickets, and pack rats, regularly visit, raise their young, or hibernate in caves. These animals are called trogloxenes . These animals return to the surface to feed.



This page has been created and developed by Pedro L. Benitez
Copyright © 2006 - All rights reserved
Vallemi  - Paraguay