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      This unit is so-called "Itapucumi Group" with 2560 sq.km. of outcrop (Eon - Cambriam ) by H. Harrington 1950. These group have been divided into two formation called: Vallemi Lower & Cambahopo Upper by A.Spinzi & A. Baez (1988)published in a congress of stratigraphy in Venezuela.These formation have a strike parallel - plain N-S dipping toward the west.
      Lithologically, the "Itapucumi Group" is an association of Detrital (conglomerate, arkosic sandstone, shales and marls) and Carbonate (Limestones, marble and dolostones) deposit in this order with the predominance of the last one (carbonate).
      From the point of view structural, this package is affected for intense faulting, folding, intrusion of magmatic bodies  and low grade of matamorphic.
     Thanks to these outcrops of limestone in and around Vallemi city, it forms relief karst landscape known as "Caverns" , in fact is the only place where you can find these caves in Paraguay.

The carbonates are the green colors both eastern and western regions, called geologically "Itapucumi Group".

Geologic Map

- H. Harrington (1950) Geologia del Paraguay Oriental. Fac. Cien. Exac. Nat. Bs. As. - Argentina.
- Eckel, D.B. (1959) Geology and Mineral Resources of Paraguay. pp.327, U.S.G.S., Wa. D.C. - U.S.
- Putzer, H. (1962) Geologie Von Paraguay. Beitr. Reg. Geol. Erdes, 2. p:128 - Germany.
- Asland S.A. (1980/85) Nº 305/ Estudio Geologico valoracion y bosquejo de exploracion del Yacimiento Calcareo de Vallemí. Vallemí - Paraguay.
- A. Spinzi & A. Báez (1988) Estudio de los Calcareos de Vallemí. M.O.P.C. Vice Ministerio de Minas y Energia. Asunción - Paraguay.
- J. Paradeda, A.Báez & F. Vázquez (2002) Informe Anual s/ los yacimientos Calcareos p/ la Materia Prima. Planta Fabril I.N.C. Vallemí - Paraguay

Normal fault in the quarry of I.N.C.

This page has been created and developed by Pedro L. Benitez
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Vallemi  - Paraguay